Nā Palena Kea, which means "crossing borders" in Hawaiian, provides opportunities for churches, schools, and volunteers to serve in Hawaiian and Latin American communities to enact physical and spiritual change.
Our mission is to build connections within the family of Christ, serve the under-resourced in their areas of need, and grow together in the Lord.
How do we do this? We have several tiers of focus. First, we connect our 'Ohanas. (family). We have enjoyed the unique honor of serving several churches and charities in Hawaii and Mexico. During these times we vetted those we feel have true need and represent excellence not only in ministry but stewardship. We bring these together.
Tier two is service. There is a desperate lack of resources in the communities we focus on. We enter under-resourced communities with agriculture, shelter, evangelism, and church planting. At this juncture, we assist our church in Cozumel, Mexico, our new church plant in Hanalei, Hawaii, and the recreation of the Police Chaplain Ministry on Kauai.
Our final tier is to grow. We grow together when we malama (care) for each other. We learn about each other's culture, background, life skills, and love of Jesus.
Please pray about joining us in our ministry. If you would like to learn more, subscribe to our newsletter below.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!
~ Isaiah 6:8